Friday 25 January 2013

The Horror

An example of control. One of my ex managers in a yearly update of my progress confessed proudly that during his own interview he had described himself as born anal. Another member of the same team was of a similar disposition. On attending a character assessment day my colour was green whilst my two retentive colleagues competed with each other to be as red as they could be. Chalk and cheese, fire and water - complete opposites - I suffered their unwavering, brittle, coronary-inducing, rapid-fire anality for over five years, however, to be rid of them, to remove them from my life, to gain my freedom, the cost was a descent into poverty.
Anal people do not bend, they are right, their methods are right, their solutions are right, their opinions are right. They are brittle, their intention is to break you, to mould you in their image, because being so right in everything they think and do can only mean they are god-like. So who else should you resemble?
Working with people like these will destroy you. The only way to circumvent them is to get to a level where you can control and recruit your own team, effectively hold up a sign which states in the clearest possible terms - no anals.
Anal companies employ anals. They support anal governments and adhere to anal laws. You do not need gi to spot these firms, these people, these laws, these governments, but you certainly need it to overcome them.
A victim of anal-type management

The power of gi.

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